


Windermere, United Kingdom, 12-19 June 2002


Chairperson: A.J.P. Raat
Vice-Chairperson: D. Gerdeaux
Rapporteur: P. Gérard
Technical Secretary: H. Naeve

Activities and achievements of the Sub-Commission during the intersessional period are summarized as follows:

Working Party Effects of physical modification of the aquatic habitat on fish populations

The Vice-Chairperson of EIFAC, the late Mrs Maria Bninska, approached Mr Maciej Zalewski, Department of Applied Ecology, University of Lodz (Poland) as the convenor of this Working Party. Mr Zalewski convenes the UNESCO Programme on Ecohydrology and was prepared to coordinate the EIFAC Working Party.

Within the framework of the EIFAC Working Party and the UNESCO IH-V Project 2.3/2.4 Ecohydrology - A New Paradigm for the Sustainable Use of Aquatic Resources, an International Workshop Ecohydrology as a Tool for Restoration of Physically Degraded Fish Habitats, was organized in Warsaw, 10-13 June 2001.

The Workshop had the following main objectives:

  • bringing together scientists interested in the influence of aquatic habitat modifications on fish populations and in methods of rehabilitation of these habitats;

  • presentation by participants recent state of conceptual progress (PHMF, EH) and review of existing data with special emphasis on identification of the real and perspectives of integrative interdisciplinary research, and

  • discussing the actual state and future activities of the Working Party and perspectives of cooperation.

    The outcome of the Workshop is published in the International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrology, volume 1 (3), year 2001.

    Working Party Methodologies for rehabilitation of lakes and reservoirs

    Mr H. Lehtonen (Finland) convenes the Working Party. The Working Party is preparing a Manual on Rehabilitation of lakes and reservoirs for fish. Almost all of the chapters have been written already and the editors (Convener, Ian Cowx and Rudolf Müller) met in Lammi, Finland on 17-22 August 2001 in order to edit the texts. The aim was to complete the work by the end of 2001 but it was impossible, because all authors did not submit their contribution in time. The aim is, however, that the work will be completed during 2002.

    The contents of the Manual are as follows:

  • Introduction (Lehtonen)
  • Typology of lakes and reservoirs (Cowx)
  • Habitats and habitat requirements of fish (Kaintz)
  • Classification of lacustrine habitats (Cowx)
  • Impact of man's activities on habitats (Cowx)
  • Methods of rehabilitation (Lehtonen)
  • Rehabilitation of regulated lakes (Vehanen)
  • Rehabilitation of eutrophicated lakes (Müller)
  • Rehabilitation of acidified lakes (Appelberg)
  • Management of spawning and nursery areas (Winfield)
  • Management of aquatic vegetation
  • Stock enhancement strategies
  • Biomanipulation (Horppila)

    Working Party Prevention and control of bird predation

    Mr E. Staub (Switzerland) convenes the Working Party.

    During the intersessional period there were several meetings of the EU-project REDCAFE (Reducing the Conflict between Cormorants and Fisheries on a pan-European scale). From 3 to 6 April 2001, an International Symposium Interaction between fish and birds: implications for management, was organized by the Hull International Fisheries Institute, University of Hull, in collaboration with EIFAC. The meeting took place in nine sessions (49 papers were presented). Many presentations concerned marine fish and bird species. For the freshwater range of EIFAC, it made sense to widen the view because the European cormorant issue is also important for coastal waters. To solve the bird/fishery conflict, the human dimension aspects are at least as important as the aspect of data collection and data analysis; therefore, they should also be considered. The proceedings will be published in 2002 by Fishing News Books.

    The EU-funded project REDCAFE

    The EU-funded project REDCAFE had its official start on 1 December 2000. The overall objective is to synthesise current cormorant/fisheries information and to identify and evaluate methods of reducing the current Europe-wide conflict between conservationists and fisheries interests. REDCAFE has a duration of two years and operates with five work packages (WP):

  • WP1: synthesizing available information on cormorant conflicts with fisheries, incorporating best estimates of associated financial losses;

  • WP2: synthesizing available information on cormorant ecology, focussing on those factors leading to conflicts with fisheries;

  • WP3: producing a set of potential management tools, from population-level to site, specific control, incorporating information on their efficacy and cost-effectiveness;

  • WP4: developing and running a multiple criteria decision model, incorporating appropriate socio-economic aspects, for a specific cormorant/fishery conflict or a specific geographical area, and

  • WP5: disseminating information on cormorant conflicts with fisheries, relevant aspects of cormorant ecology, and strategies for conflict resolution at the local, national and European level.

    Working Party Influence of management practices on the environment

    The 31st Session of GESAMP, New York, 13-17 August 2001, noted that the Working Group was never activated, on the one hand due to a continuing lower priority than other issues and on the other due to the fact that this issue itself is still developing rapidly. A short working paper was presented by the nominal Chairperson of the Working Group, which confirmed that there were still many questions to be answered before an in-depth GESAMP review on this topic would be justified (Annex I to this report). He reported that he had contacted EIFAC but that there was little sign of progress towards a joint working group as originally agreed by the 29th Session of GESAMP.

    Community Programme of Research on Environmental Hormones and Endocrine Disrupters (COMPREHEND)

    The convenor of the Working party attended the End-user workshop in Paris, March 2002 of the COMPREHEND programme. COMPREHEND is part of the Environment and Climate RTD Programme of the Research Directorate-General of the European Commission (4th Framework Programme), contract ENV4-CT98-0798. The COMPREHEND partnership consists of 13 research laboratories from seven European countries. The partnership originated from the Euraqua network of freshwater research organizations. Further information on COMPREHEND: http://www.ife.ac.uk/comprehend.

    EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)

    In December 2000 the European Commission published the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Directive has consequences for the management of the surface- and groundwater in EU States. The Directive has a watersystem approach, which implies an international coordination of the management of the surface- and groundwater. The Directive distinguishes four types of surface waters: Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Coastal Waters. The Directive identifies the ecological status of the water bodies which involves criteria with regard to biological quality elements: phytoplankton, macrophytes and phytobenthos, benthic invertebrate fauna and fish fauna. The status of the fish fauna should be assessed according to criteria as: species composition, abundance, sensitive species, age structure and production. The general procedures of the future monitoring programmes are outlined in the WFD. Currently an international effort is necessary to coordinate the monitoring methods and criteria based on freshwater fishes and their habitats.

    In view of the expertise of EIFAC in the field of fish-related knowledge on water quality, EIFAC must be involved in efforts to standardise monitoring methods and efforts to identify the criteria on which these programmes are based. Links should be established with the Working Party on Fish Monitoring in Fresh Waters and with the EU project: Development, Evaluation and Implementation of a Standardised Fishbased Assessment Method for the Ecological Status of European Rivers, a contribution to the Water Framework Directive (FAME) (http://fame.boku.ac.at).

    In January 2002 The Dutch organization RIZA (http://www.riza.nl/) and the International Commission for Protection of the Meuse (ICPM) (http://www.cipm-icbm.be/) in cooperation with the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (IRC) organized an international Workshop on fish-based methods to evaluate the ecological status of rivers in Maastricht (The Netherlands). The purpose of the workshop was to identify the state of the art and to harmonise the methodologies in order to cope in time with the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in June 2002 as a document of the International Commission for the protection of the Meuse.

    Working Party on Aquatic Environmental Hazard Assessment Criteria and Methods

    The 21st Session of EIFAC disbanded the Working Party on Accumulated Toxicants in Fish. The Commission considered the activity to be of continuing importance and focussed the programme of the Sub-Commission on mutagenic effects, stress-related parameters and the effects of xeno-estrogenic substances on male fishes. Although the programme of Sub-Commission III does not include the effects of toxicants in fishes on human health, this topic is of importance to EIFAC. National and EU regulations on toxic substances in food have serious consequences for freshwater fisheries and aquaculture.
    Food safety and food quality aspects in fish products are attracting growing attention, both in domestic as well as in international markets. Promotion of fish product safety and quality assurance includes the handling, storage and processing of captured and farmed fish. The EXCOM meeting felt a need to identify information on efforts such as conventional regulations, standards, hygienic codes of practice as well as promotion of application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (HACCP) with a view to allow for less qualitative, but more cost-effective surveillance and monitoring. The EXCOM meeting realized that GESAMP identified a similar subject for its future programme. The meeting therefore proposed to investigate possibilities for a joint EIFAC/GESAMP Working Party on Aquatic Environmental Hazard Assessment Criteria and Methods.

    The 31st Session of GESAMP, New York, 13-17 August 2001, established a Working Group (No. 33) on Aquatic Environmental Hazard Assessment Methods for Application in Seafood Safety Risk Assessment and Management, and decided that the terms of reference for the Working Group should be developed along the following lines:

  • assess the feasibility of the development/adaptation and use of practical and cost-effective aquatic ecotoxicological and microbiological hazard/risk assessment methods for application in seafood safety risk assessment and management measures, and

  • the immediate objective of the Working Group would be to look into the feasibility of methods for predicting:

    GESAMP Working Group 33 met in Rome, 10-14 December 2001 and prepared a document entitled "Environmental Exposure Models for Application in Seafood Risk Analysis" for discussion at the 32nd Session of GESAMP, London, 6-10 May 2002. The document (GESAMP XXXII/8) was well received by GESAMP. GESAMP welcomed the support and co-sponsorship by the ICES Secretariat to this Working Group and encouraged the Working Group to continue its efforts on the application of different exposure models. As planned, Working Group 33 will compile data sets for prediction of body burdens and run alternative exposure models. The Working Group is expected to meet late 2002 for the preparation of the draft report, which would be presented to GESAMP XXXIII in May 2003.
    Dr R. Blust, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, a member of GESAMP Working Group 33, had indicated interest in exploring opportunities of initiating a similar scientific effort focussing on European freshwater fish species of interest to European consumers and food safety regulatory agencies. Discussions had been held between Dr Blust and the Technical Secretariat over the possibility of establishing such an expert group under the umbrella of EIFAC, with Dr Blust presenting this initiative at the forthcoming Session of EIFAC. At the time of finalizing this progress report, unfortunately, it could not be confirmed whether Dr Blust would be joining the Session or not.
    Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture
    The handling of fishes and fish stocks is increasingly subject to legislation and regulation. The EXCOM meeting realized the need to identify current legislation and regulations in the EIFAC member countries. Also a need was felt to exchange information on the actual practice of handling fishes in fisheries and aquaculture such as harvest, storage and slaughter of fishes. The meeting proposed to establish a Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture. A draft framework for the Working Party and relevant literature references for the development of a specific programme is presented as Annex 2.

    Annex 1


    7 August 2001



    Working paper by the Chairman of Working Group 27; and
    Excerpt from Status report of EIFAC Sub-Commission III on this issue


    At its XXXth Session, GESAMP agreed that the GESAMP Working Group on the Evaluation of Harmful Substances Carried by Ships jointly with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) and in cooperation with WHO would prepare a short working paper on endocrine disrupting substances in the aquatic environment (GESAMP Reports and Studies No. 69, section 9.5).

    The working paper is presented in this document. An excerpt from the status report of EIFAC Sub-Commisssion III - Protection of the Aquatic Resource on this issue is also presented.
    (Note: Status report of EIFAC SC III not reproduced in this Annex)


    `Endocrine disruption' has become a collective term for a wide range of loosely related, reproductive effects observed among a variety of organisms in the field and the laboratory. This topic has attracted worldwide attention largely due to its the potential implications for human fertility as well as some well reported cases among wildlife. There has been a large-scale influx of scientific research funding over the last six or seven years as a result. Fundamental advances in (eco)-toxicology are being made, with the help of molecular probes, and the application of so-called nano-toxicology techniques in research into reproductive disturbance and its underlying biochemical mechanisms. As yet, the connection between measured or suspected decline in the reproduction of marine organisms or subsequent effects on humans, exposed to known endocrine disrupting chemicals or unspecified mixtures remains to be clearly elucidated - is there a problem in the marine environment and those dependent on it?

    GESAMP felt the need to focus on this emerging issue as far back as 1996 and instructed the EHS working group to gather literature and carry out a watching brief. The purpose of this paper is to focus on a number of critical issues in order to attempt to answer the above question.

    Observed phenomena

    While a number of well known instances of reproductive disturbances are regularly cited in the literature, the real extent of such phenomena in the field, particularly the marine environment appears to be sketchy at present. The following could be considered:

    While this general approach could be used to cover the invertebrate and vertebrate world, up to and including marine mammals, summarizing the observed phenomena with regard to human health presents a more difficult problem (see below).

    Sources and significance of potential endocrine disrupting substances

    Hazard and risk

    Processes mitigating or exacerbating potential exposure

    1. (Bio)degradability/persistence (an intrinsic molecular property giving resistance to degradation:

    2. Receptor binding ability (strong or weak).

    To date, most effects have been associated with the feminizing influence of `estrogenic' compounds - is the potential threat from compounds with other mechanisms of effect any less, e.g. anti-estrogenic, androgenic, anti-androgenic, thyroid hormone disrupting, etc? For which phyla and orders are these effects relevant. What types of signal are important?

    3. Species specific vulnerability - are some types of reproductive/endocrine systems intrinsically more vulnerable than others?

    Human health concerns

    Annex 2
    Proposal EIFAC Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture

    The handling of fishes and fish stocks is increasingly subject to legislation and regulation. The 2001 EIFAC EXCOM meeting realized the need to identify current legislation and regulations in the EIFAC member countries. Also a need was felt to exchange information on the actual practise of handling fishes in fisheries and aquaculture such as harvest, storage and slaughter of fishes. The meeting proposed to establish a Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture. A framework for the Working Party and relevant literature references for the development of a specific programme are presented for discussion during the 22nd EIFAC session.

    The handling of fishes in these situations is increasingly subject to critical discussion. This results in many countries in legislation and regulations of practices in fisheries and aquaculture. The arguments in the discussion are only partly based on information from biological research. The attitude of of our society to the handling of fishes is also inspired by ethical considerations. During the last decades many people realized that animals have an intrinsic value that has to be respected. Thus the framework for a Working Party on Handling of Fishes is not restricted to biological information on the topic. The social and cultural aspects of fishing are also part of the programme.

    The basic knowledge on the effects of handling on the fishes is scattered in many reports and publications. Thus there is a need to review the available data and information into a report. The legislation and regulation on the handling of fishes in these circumstances is different in the EIFAC member countries. In many countries the regulation for the use of fishes in experiments is more developed than the regulations for the handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture. Legislation and regulation of the practices in fisheries and aquaculture are increasingly part of an international approach. Thus there si a need to bring together the relevant information into a report.

    Therefore the proposed Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture must identify the current information in a document, which includes the following topics:

    Products of Working Party

    The Working Party must produce a document which supplies the information on the handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture. The document must be published as an EIFAC paper.

    The Working Party organizes a workshop on handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture with the aim to exchange information for people working in fisheries an aquaculture.

    The Working Party supplies information on handling of fishes that can be presented on the EIFAC web site.

    The Working Party must propose a Code of practice on handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture to EIFAC.

    Plan of action

    The Working Party is formed by people from various disciplines. Scientifically trained fish biologists and aquaculturists work together with practice-oriented fishermen and aquaculturists. Moreover there is an input form policymakers on fisheries and aquaculture.

    The Working Party collects information on the various aspects of the handling of fishes by means of an equiry that is distributed among the EIFAC correspondents.

    The Working party must identify experts in the field to contribute basic information about aspects of the handling of fishes and welfare of fishes for the report of the Working party

    The Working Party organizes a workshop on handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture.


    In the appendix relevant web sites are presented. In the final document of the list must be enlarged and short summaries about the information on the sites must be given. The information is useful to include on the EIFAC web site.

    In the appendix is given a list with relevant publications on several aspects of the handling of fishes in fisheries and aquaculture. In the final document of the Working Party the list must be enlarged. Also the presentation of the references must be split up in categories.

    Nieuwegein May 31 , 2002

    Lex Raat,
    Chairperson EIFAC subcommission III

    Relevant web sites

    Animal Welfare Centre US Department of Agriculture: http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/
    International Fund for Animal Welfare: http://www.ifaw.org/
    Animal Welfare Institute: http://www.awionline.org/

    Relevant literature on handling and welfare of fishes

    Adams S.M. (ed.) (1980). Biological indicators of stress in fish. Bethesda: American Fisheries Society. American Fisheries Society Symposium; 8, 191 p.

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    Balon, E. K. (2000). Defending fishes against recreational fishing: an old problem to be solved in the new millenium. Environmental Biology of Fishes 57: 1-8.

    Barnhart, R.A. & Roelofs, T.D. (1979). Catch-and-release fishing as a management tool: A national sportfishing symposium, september 7-8, 1977. Arcata: Humboldt State University, 220 p.

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    Bermond, B. (1997). The myth of animal suffering. In: M. Dol, S. Kasanmoentalib, S. Lijmbach, E. Rivas, R. van den Bos (redactie). Animal consciousness and animal ethics. (pp. 125 - 143) Assen: Van Gorcum.

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